Photos, videos, music and multimedia

Visit the Cenacle in Cacouna via the many photos on this page. The history of the Cenacle House of Prayer, along with its events, archives and testimonials can be viewed in the video produced to commemorate the Cenacle’s 25th anniversary (1980-2005). Listen to soothing music with some of the melodies found here, creation of the editions of the Cenacle.


Built in 1900 by Sir Montagu Allan, the spacious residence which today houses the Cenacle of Cacouna was sold to the Capuchin Fathers in 1941 to serve as a novitiate. In 1980, the House opened its doors to the Charismatic Renewal with the creation of this House of Prayer. The video retraces the impressive history of the site and discusses the various apostolic evets offered. Interviews and testimonials intertwine and provide voice to the founders, attendants and individuals along their journey. Many archived photographs also provide documentation of this history.

Les éditions: Le Cénacle – Copyright: All rights reserved – Made in Canada – Pixmedia –

CD-Sérénité - Repos en Dieu


A few excerpts from the CD « Sérénité, Repos en Dieu... »
Dear friends,

«Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.» (Revelation 3:20)

This is an invitation greater than a calling for prayer, it is an invitation to immerse oneself in the heart of God. Yes, a spiritual relaxation, an atmosphere where one hears the beat of the Lord’s heart. This melody cradles us with love, softness and tenderness.

The Cenacle, by Yolande Bouchard, r.i.j.

Les éditions : Le Cénacle - Copyright: All rights reserved – Made in Canada


